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Welcome to my fairy world
by Devorah
"Le bonheur est un état d'esprit. Il s'agit de la façon dont vous regardez les choses" Walt Disney

Paulette Bowie
Paulette is keen on David Bowie. She went to his concert and she was wearing a dress she especially created for this event!
Paulette est fan de David Bowie. Elle a été à son concert et a porté une robe qu'elle avait spécialement conçu pour cette occasion!
Paulette est fan de David Bowie. Elle a été à son concert et a porté une robe qu'elle avait spécialement conçu pour cette occasion!

Model at the Fashion Week
Paulette is drawing her new Summer collection. She showed to the audience her first summer dress at the last Fashion week, it was a triumph!
Paulette est en train de dessiner sa nouvelle collection été. Elle a montré au public lors de la dernière Fashion Week sa première robe d'été et cela a été un triomphe!
Paulette est en train de dessiner sa nouvelle collection été. Elle a montré au public lors de la dernière Fashion Week sa première robe d'été et cela a été un triomphe!

Pink lady
Paulette is getting ready for the spring collection. She designed this beautiful dress to remind us the lightness of the sunny days
Paulette se prépare pour la collection Printemps. Elle a dessiné cette robe pour nous rappeler la légereté des belles journées ensoleillées
Paulette se prépare pour la collection Printemps. Elle a dessiné cette robe pour nous rappeler la légereté des belles journées ensoleillées

The Rose dress
This dress has been made with rose petals. The graceful shape of the dress gives Paulette feminity and elegance. This dress is perfect for outside coktails in the summer times!
Cette robe a été composée avec des pétales de rose. Sa forme gracieuse donne à Paulette élégance et féminité. Cette robe se porte parfaitement pour des coktails à l'extérieur en été!
Cette robe a été composée avec des pétales de rose. Sa forme gracieuse donne à Paulette élégance et féminité. Cette robe se porte parfaitement pour des coktails à l'extérieur en été!

The umbrella dress
Paulette loves pink! She designed a dress which inspires summer with the pink color and in the same time she tried to remain in the winter style with the umbrella shape of the dress

The purple dress
The purple dress is a new dress created by Paulette. It is inspired from the nature and especially the flowers. During the winter time, this is pleasant to wear a dress with a warmful color!

Paulette goes sometimes to the Chatelet neibourhood in bars where you can do karaokes with friends. Tonight, this is about Johnny's songs!

Casual style
In her daily life, Paulette is a banker. She wears a casual and smart clothing. She works in front of clients, therefore she needs to be very classy

The vegetal dress (front)
Nature has always been a source of inspiration to Paulette. She designed a dress about this nature she loves so much, all made with leaves and cotton

The vegetal dress (back)
Nature has always been a source of inspiration to Paulette. She designed a dress about this nature she loves so much, all made with leaves and cotton

The coktail dress (front)
Paulette likes coktail times. For those kind of events, she is wearing dresses she designed, like the one she wears, called "the coktail dress".

The coktail dress (back)
Paulette likes coktail times. For those kind of events, she is wearing dresses she designed, like the one she wears, called "the coktail dress".

The countryside dress (front)
This dress is perfect for holidays in the countryside. Paulette designed it with a pastel shade. The colors are warmful to remember the sunny days of summer

The countryside dress (back)
This dress is perfect for holidays in the countryside. Paulette designed it with a pastel shade. The colors are warmful to remember the sunny days of summer

The clown dress (front)
Paulette likes the circus. She drew her inspiration from it to design the clown dress. This dress perfectly suits for parties between friends

The flamenco dress
As Paulette likes dancing, she is doing classic dance but flamenco as well. She knows a nice club where she goes with friends, usually on Friday nights

The clown dress (back)
Paulette likes the circus. She drew her inspiration from it to design the clown dress. This dress perfectly suits for parties between friends

The flower dress
Paulette does sometimes professional photoshoots. She poses for photos with one of her latest creations, a dress called "The flower dress"

Trying some shoes on for summer
In summer, Paulette likes wearing colors and especially when it is about shoes! The yellow color reminds her of holidays and sunny days

The spider dress
The shape of this dress reminds the shape of a spider net. The transparency of the dress gives the dress a classy tone. Paulette wears it when she does her dance shows

Paulette just woke up. She get dressed before beginning her workind day

Dancing queen
Tonight, Paulette and her friends are invited at a party at the "Madame". She took 3 hours to get dressed but now, she is ready to go. Let's get the party started!

The bubble skirt
This outfit designed by Paulette is futuristic. The skirt is full of sparkling water. To Paulette, this is tomorrow's clothing!

Astronaut suit
This suit reminds the space. Paulette created this outfit because she likes this world and would love to learn more about the universe. This can become the fashion of tomorrow!

Paulette is trying on a raincoat. She is watching how it suits her in the mirror of the fitting room
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